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Resume: CV

From her acreage on the edge of the woods in rural Manitoba Canada, Renay Taylor-Besant brings you Visual Escapology. Renay has been driven to create art her entire life; it was as necessary as breathing, helping her to feel whole and content. Drawings and paintings were always part of her childhood growing up in Manitoba, as she followed in the footsteps of her very creative mother. Renay's practical side did not allow her to pursue a career in art in her youth, so she followed her other passion - changing the world!


After completing a degree in social work, Renay has worked in social services for twenty-nine years, moving with her husband to live in British Columbia, Alberta and then back to Manitoba, raising two sons and many dogs along the way. Through it all, making art was a source of peace, meditation and rejuvenation, influenced by her varied geographic locations. Working in the difficult sides of human existence - like child abuse, mental illness, addictions - requires the helper to give away little bits of themselves every day. For Renay, art helped her to refocus on the beauty and goodness in the world and provided a way to fill in those little holes in her heart and make herself whole again, so she could continue to give to others.


Over the years, Renay created works in pencil, coloured pencil, watercolour, acrylic and most recently, fluid acrylics. Whenever possible, she poured herself out onto paper and canvas in stolen moments when the house was quiet.  When life as a busy parent and professional didn't allow Renay to set time aside for art, that essential need to create and heal made itself known in drawings on the backs of meeting agendas and scraps of paper. It could not be denied.


Now, after years of making art in isolation, the children are grown and life permits more balance so Renay is actively pursuing her passion for art and sharing it's healing and rejuvenating qualities with others. Renay seeks to take you along on a magical journey of Visual Escapology. She invites you to leave your world behind as you are transported by dramatic explosions of colour, texture and vibrancy in her artwork. Created using her deeply intuitive approach, a sense of energy and life emanate from her paintings, almost moving right before you. Renay seeks to capture the beauty in the world as a moment in time, and invites you to immerse yourself into her art and travel wherever your imagination may take you.





2013      Eastman Judged Art Exhibition

              Pinawa, Manitoba

              First Place in Watercolours for "Floral or Fowl?"


2013     Red River Art Extravaganza Juried Art Show

             Winnipeg, Manitoba          

             Third Place for coloured pencil work "Ditch Lilies"





2013     Eastman Judged Art Exhibition, June 12 - 15, 2013

             Pinawa MB date

             Three watercolour pieces were accepted to the show


2013     Rural and Northern Art Show, September 9 - October 6, 2013

             Assiniboine Park Conservatory Gallery, Winnipeg MB

             The winning painting "Floral or Fowl?" from the Eastman Exhibition was included in this show


2013     Red River Ex Juried Art Show,  June 14 - 23, 2013

             Red River Exhibition Fair Grounds, Winnipeg MB

             One coloured pencil and one watercolour were accepted to the show


2018     Members' Gallery, Nov 26, 2018 - Jan 12, 2019

             Cre8ery Gallery, Winnipeg, MB

              Four fluid acrylic pieces and one brushed acrylic painting displayed


2019     Red River Ex Juried Art Show, June 14-23, 2019

             Red River Exhibition Fair Grounds, Winnipeg MB

             One fluid acrylic piece was accepted to the show.


2019     Members' Gallery, Sept 14 - Oct, 2019

             Cre8ery Gallery, Winnipeg MB

             Five fluid acrylic paintings were exhibited


2019    The 100 +/- Group Show

            Cre8ery Gallery, Winnipeg MB

            Five fluid acrylic paintings were in the show


2019    Solo Exhibition, Oct 25, 2019 - Jan 4, 2020

            HairXetra Salon, Winnipeg MB

            Nineteen paintings were displayed, variety of mediums







2019-       Manitoba Society of Artists

current     {gallery link}


2018-      Cre8ery Gallery









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